Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bushcraft EDC

This is a knife I did a while ago.  It is designed as a smaller bushcraft knife that can be brought along on day hikes with minimal weight and size but able to tackle big tasks.  Here's one in black burlap and another in white linen.  Specs:

OAL: 7.45"
Blade Length: 3.125
Blade Thickness: .111"
Steel: CPM 154CM


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  2. Today (10/30/21) I purchased, at my local knife shop, the actual Bushcraft EDC pictured above with black burlap and natural canvas pins. It looks like it hasn't been used. Certificate of Authenticity states its date as 11-30-11. The knife showcases an early talent for excellent convex blade grind and comfortable handle. The sheath, just as shown in the picture, is beautiful.
